FAQs directory

My site is highly customized will the DirectoryPhotos and DirectoryImport still work?

Our code uses dynamic queries which means that no matter how customized the system is the correct columns get filled, so you should be fine.

Review Marketing: Tutorial

Review Marketing in DirectoryTestimonial enables you to post your most valued testimonials to a variety of social media channels. A scheduling feature allows you to choose the date and time that these are sent. By using Review Marketing, you are able to extend the potential reach of your best testimonials and get them seen by your different social media audiences.

What are DirectoryTestimonial widgets?

Widgets are used to display testimonials and reviews collected in DirectoryTestimonial on your website(s). They can be fully customized to suit your brand and are easily added to any site with a single line of code.

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What are the configurations for DirectoryImport?

DirectoryImport has many configurations to preset items for import so you do not have to enter them for each listing and allows settings to reduce API calls if desired based on your specific needs. Read more to find out about each one.

What are the DirectoryAddons Terms of Service?

DirectoryAddons are an annual purchase. Special terms or pricing to break the cost into multiple months may be available but is simply a payment plan for the yearly cost not a month to month subscription. Terms are for one year only and either the yearly amount or monthly subscription (for 12 additional months ) will continue at the renewal date. Cancellations must be made 1 month prior to the annual renewal no matter what payment plan you are on. Cancellations made inside a month may not be able to be refunded as the requisite VIP may already have been purchased from Brilliant Directories.

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What are the DirectoryImport Configuration Checkboxes for?

In short they turn on or off the images and reviews import when the "Load Pictures and Reviews" bulk action is chosen in the "Current Listings Update" tab.

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What are the DirectoryImport Terms of Service?

Click here to see the complete terms of service for this plugin.

directoryimport terms
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